1. Build a holder site for 30 Projects

I have wrote quite a lot about what is the most impactful way to "level" up your career

If you want to read about those articles, I've wrote:

The "long-story-short" of the above articles is generally to build more, code more, write more - and just repeatedly do your craft. Launch more websites, create more applications and deploy them for feedback. This is commonly referenced in popular culture in the Pottery Story

There are so many libraries, languages and ideas that I want to create something with. At the moment, I have a .txt document with around 50 project ideas - and barely any time to create these things. I'm hoping by trimming these ideas down to 30 fun ideas it will help me to ship some fun products (and learn a lot in the process)

Hopefully in the process of completing these 30, I will code things faster, expose myself to new ideas/people and build it in public on Twitter to share my successes

If you don't really know me - you can learn more about me on my site Developer-Forge here

There are a few people/ideas who have inspired me for the idea for 30 projects, so to pay homage:

Going forwards, the articles will explain the reason for the project, the difficulties and process of building the project more - but the first article is more of an introduction to what 30 Projects is, who I am and the explanation for why I'm doing it

Hope you find this journey interesting - and can take some inspiration to build something you find interesting!

Onto project two ✔️